Episode 27 – Positive Urgency is Greater than Motivation

27. Positive Urgency is Greater than Motivation | #walkwithme

“The difference between ‘must’ and ‘should’ is the life you want and the life you have.” - Tony Robbins   About This Episode:   Gamechangers, fire starters, change makers, ignitors, catalysts, innovators… they’re all able to have a vision of what can come tomorrow to create an unstoppable urgency within them today.

“The difference between ‘must’ and ‘should’ is the life you want and the life you have.” 

Tony Robbins

About This Episode:

In this episode of “walkwithme” I share some ideas on how we can create positive urgency to help us stay intrinsically motivated in ways that catapult us forward in life.

Gamechangers, fire starters, change makers, igniters, catalysts, innovators… they’re all able to have a vision of what can come tomorrow to create an unstoppable urgency within them today. I want to share some ideas on how we can create that positive urgency to catapult us towards what we’re meant to do and who we’re meant to be.

I’ve spent two decades in the personal development space, always learning and growing. I remember when I started listening to Tony Robbins talk about turning your “should” into a “must.” It sounded great, but I wondered: How do you do that. There is a giant gap between knowing the path and walking the path. So, how do we get across that gap?

I think it comes down to Urgency. One of the most common questions I get is: How do I stay motivated? They tell me they know they should do something, but they don’t do it and then beat themselves up for not doing it.

I like the word “urgency” better than “motivation.” How does one create intrinsic urgency? Here’s what helps me get through those times when I need that extra push.

Positive urgency is different than negative drive. I see positive urgency as the ability to use the vision of what’s to come tomorrow to create a drive in us today. And, it starts with a shift on focusing on the right finish line. People can create a false sense of urgency focused on the wrong finish line. But if that line doesn’t align with a bigger picture, it can have a negative effect.

In order to create positive energy in life, we need to extend our perspective to focus on the only finish line that really matters – and that’s the final finish line.

When we cross the final finish line, whenever that may be, and we look back at our life, what are going to be the things that are most important? What do we NOT want to regret? Put yourself in the headspace of looking back at your life from the final finish line – what don’t you want to have on your regret list? 

For me personally, I do NOT want to regret having wasted time, wasted talent and wasted energy because that adds up to a wasted life. So many people spend their life focusing on the things they’re not good at or that they’re missing. To me, a big regret is trying to chase what you don’t have instead of using what you do have to impact others. 

It starts with shifting your perspective to focus on the final finish line and then looking back. It changes the perspective. It then enables you to really focus on what you’re meant to do and who you’re meant to be. How to pursue your ‘meant to’? Create alignment with your purpose, passion and potential. Passion is something you’re naturally drawn to. You get excited. It becomes natural fuel and changes your physiology. Potential goes in line with our gifts, skills and talents. When you put energy in the direction of a natural talent, you have an exponential growth curve. Purpose means you’re doing it for a reason greater than yourself – to serve others.

When we move in these directions, it’s because it gives you a natural urgency; it’s a raw fire to move you forward.

When people struggle with having sustained urgency, it’s generally because they’re out of alignment in what they’re doing. Or, they’re not in their gift zone, or plugged into their purpose. 

My belief is if you’re out of alignment, you’re not meant to do it and never have a real sense of urgency. 

The way you can become who you’re meant to be us simply to stop what people tell you that you should be. You don’t have to figure who you are; you just have to shift to who you aren’t. 

My hope for all of you is to stop trying to chase motivation and fabricated finish lines and instead tap into a raw urgency that we all have inside. This way you can shed the layers of “supposed to” and leave what is “meant to”. 

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