Episode 21 – Healthy Distractions that are More Productive than Binging Netflix

21: Healthy Distractions that are More Productive than Binging Netflix | #walkwithme

“The most dangerous distractions are the ones you love, but that don’t love you back.” – Warren Buffet   About This Episode:   In challenging times like these when we’re trying to adjust to the ‘New Normal,’ it’s important that we have some healthy distractions that can give us release or some peace during the day.

“The most dangerous distractions are the ones you love, but that don’t love you back.”

Warren Buffet

About This Episode:

In this episode of “#WalkWithMe” I talk about the value of intentionally designing healthy distractions that can give your brain a much-needed break and avoid burnout. 

In challenging times like these when we’re trying to adjust to the ‘New Normal,’ it’s important that we have some healthy distractions that can give us release or some peace during the day. Many of us might currently be deprived of our default distractions, like going to the gym or social hour at a restaurant, so we need to intentionally design other distractions that can prevent burn-out or reduce anxiety. 

So, let’s design distractions that serve us and nourish us. Instead of overindulging on junk food, drinking or binge-watching TV or phone screens, let’s intentionally focus on simple activities that can calm our minds and soul. 

Here’s some ideas…


Get out and move. Exercise can be at any level, from moving around the house, to walking outside. 


Make something. If you have kids, build a Legos project. Do a craft. 


What in your house needs to be organized? Office, bookshelf? A disorganized environment can put unneeded stress on you. Get rid of clutter or piles, and you’ll actually feel better. Most of us have hundreds, if thousands, of photos lying around or on our phones that are just taking up space. Put them in albums. Tag them. Print them out in books.   


Write your thoughts out with pen and paper. If you like digital, journal in Notes or Evernote. If you’re verbal, create videos. Document what you’re experiencing—it’s definitely a unique time right now. Time capsule how you feel. Years down the road you can share this with your children or grandchildren about what these times were like.

Taking a Bath

Take a little break and soak in a hot bath with candles, music and salts. 

Playing Music

Create a playlist and relax for 10 minutes listening to some new or favorite songs.

Hosting Virtual Happy Hours

Facetime or Zoom with friends for dinner, drinks or games. We all need social connection. 

Enjoying Sunsets

Make it a daily habit to just get out and enjoy a sunset every day.

What is one healthy thing you do to lower your red line and give yourself a mental break? 

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