Episode 88 – IDENTITY and 5 Ways to Tell Who You’re NOT!

88: IDENTITY & 5 Ways to Tell Who You’re NOT! | #walkwithme

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”-Oscar Wilde   About This Episode:   One of the most empowering outcomes of this past year has been the increased focus on self-awareness and self-love, and on ‘being your authentic self’ and showing the world who you really are.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

Oscar Wilde

About This Episode:

One of the most empowering outcomes of this past year has been the increased focus on self-awareness and self-love, and on ‘being your authentic self’ and showing the world who you really are. But, for many of us, conversations about “you doing you” and “being yourself” beg the question: “Well, who exactly am I?” I might not be able to tell you who you truly are, but I can tell you who you are NOT. In this #WalkWithMe episode, I flip the coin, so to speak, on the way we traditionally see ourselves in terms of our identity and talk about 5 ways to tell who you are NOT, which are:

  • You are NOT what you do…
  • You are NOT what you own…
  • You are NOT your achievements…
  • You are NOT who society says you’re ‘supposed to’ be…
  • You are NOT even who your close friends and family say you’re ‘supposed to’ be…

So, stop trying to be who everyone else thinks you’re ‘supposed to’ be, and just be who you were meant to be.

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