6. How to Quiet Negative Noise | #walkwithme
I was born for this right hereSay it ’til the doubt disappearsAnd tell the face in the mirror. – Andy Grammar, “Born for This” song About This Episode: In today’s pandemic world, there’s a question weighing on my mind: What are you doing to combat all the negative news that is bombarding you right now?
I was born for this right here
Say it ’til the doubt disappears
And tell the face in the mirror.
Andy Grammar, “Born for This” song
About This Episode:
In this episode of “#WalkWithMe” I share seven personal daily hacks I’ve learned over the years to easily combat negativity and develop a more positive mindset.
In today’s pandemic world, there’s a question weighing on my mind: What are you doing to combat all the negative news that is bombarding you right now? Given our current situation, I’m assuming you’re digesting a lot of depressing information. Let’s shift that.
Here are 7 things I’m personally doing every day to build a more positive and productive mindset.
#1 – Start and end the day with “Thank you for ______”
Make your first sentence in the morning and your last one at night start with “Thank you for _____” and then fill in the blank with as many things that come into your mind. This frequency of gratitude and daily feeling of appreciation will instantly set your mind state for the rest of the day/night.
#2 – Use music to control your mood.
Songs can trigger positive emotions. Listen to those that make you feel happy and energetic. I set my alarm clock to a song that I have a positive emotion to; lately, I’ve been listening to music by recording artist and my friend, Andy Grammar (check out his “Born for This” song).
#3 – Move. Move. Move.
It can be hard right now, but you need to move. Get outside (while maintaining social distancing, of course). Walk around the block. Take a stroll with family. Stay inside and do online workouts. Make sure physical self-care is a top priority.
#4 – Breathe.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed or need a break, just stop… and breathe. A simple breathing exercise I use is called “Boxed Breathing.” For more techniques, try the Headspace app. I also do TM (Transcendental Meditation®) every day.
#5 – Learn something new and share it.
Be advocates and sharers of a good message that helps both you and others grow. The act of sharing makes that info your own while also impacting other people.
#6 – Schedule something to look forward to.
Put something on the calendar or schedule you’re looking forward to, like a Zoom dinner or a reward after completing something. Happy events won’t happen by default, but by design.
#7 – Protect your bits.
These “bits” are pieces of information we’re allowing into our mental filter. Program the spam settings of your brain and mind your filter to take in more positive instead of negative news.
Which of the above will you add to your daily habits? Or, what’s one thing you’re already doing that is effective?