5. Happiness through Crises — with Eliyahu Jian | #quarantineconversations
“Happiness is an effect, or happiness is a cause. Happiness is a seed, or happiness is a result. If your goal is to become happy from within, life can be a whole new story.”
Happiness is an effect, or happiness is a cause. Happiness is a seed, or happiness is a result. If your goal is to become happy from within, life can be a whole new story.
Eliyahu Jian
Guest Bio: Eliyahu Jian (eliyahujian.com/) is a highly respected life and spiritual coach, motivational speaker, advisor, and the author of “The Laughing Billionaire: How to Become Rich and Happy.”
About This Episode:
In this episode of “#quarantineconversations” I have an enlightening conversation with renowned spiritual advisor and one of my greatest mentors, Eliyahu Jian, on the topics of goal-setting, spirituality, astrology, happiness hacks during chaotic times, and his predictions for what to expect post pandemic.
I’m a big believer in intentionally surrounding myself with those who bring value to my life. I’m grateful that Eliyahu Jian, a globally recognized life and spiritual advisor, is part of my inner circle. He has a gift for helping people not only see clearly where they’re at, but also where they want to go. Since much of the world is currently navigating unchartered waters due to the pandemic, I thought it especially timely and relevant to have a conversation with an expert on how to find / maintain happiness through challenging times.
While in quarantine at his home in Los Angeles, we talked about focus of happiness when it comes to goal setting and how the #1 goal should always be long-term happiness.“ There’s a difference between ‘momentary happiness’ and ‘true happiness,’” he explained, and that the latter kind you can experience, no matter what happens around you. “Happiness is an effect, or happiness is a cause. Happiness is a seed, or happiness is a result. If your goal is to become happy from within, then life can be a whole new story.”
We talked “Happiness Hacks,” especially while living through chaotic times, and Eliyahu pointed out his the most important:
Be Kind.
Create New.
This forced pause is a chance for us to get off autopilot and instead reevaluate what we have and what we value. Instead of focusing on thoughts like “when we can get back to doing this” or “as soon as we can stop this,” the conversation should be around thoughts like:
“What can we create?”
“What can we change?”
“What can we learn?”
Eliyahu advised to write three things down you can start or do differently. Now is a perfect time to rediscover and recreate. The key to true happiness, he believes, is found through respecting, forgiving and sharing with others.
What can you create or learn during these challenging times?
“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill