Episode 36 – Hear That? Here’s How to Rise Above the Noise

36: Hear That? Here’s How to Rise Above the Noise | #walkwithme

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.” – Steve Jobs   About This Episode:   In this episode of “#WalkWithMe” I share some ideas on how we can rise above the loud and incessant negative noise that is either distracting or weighing down many of us right now.

“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice.”

– Steve Jobs

About This Episode:

In this episode of “#WalkWithMe” I share some ideas on how we can rise above the loud and incessant negative noise that is either distracting or weighing down many of us right now.


Is it just me, or is there a lot of noise in the world right now? I’m talking loud and incessant negative noise coming from every direction simultaneously. I know that for a lot of us, this noise can be totally distracting or overwhelming, even debilitating. I believe there are three layers we need to push through to rise above the noise and get our peace back. 

#1 – Push through the propaganda.

I use “propaganda” with intention—media being used to influence a perspective. It’s essentially media with a motive. And it’s  everywhere. I think it’s funny we still call some of these channels “News” stations, because if we step back and really look at what they’ve become, we’ll discover they are really just propaganda media machines constantly pushing out negative noise.  

To push through the propaganda, consider the source. At the end of the day, they are businesses with an obligation to make a dollar through content, and a motive to accomplish a certain agenda. Filter the information through the lens of who is distributing it. The reality is that negative news has always sold more than positive news. We’re naturally drawn to drama—and media exploits that. So, we need to understand that we are being influenced by propaganda everywhere. 

Ask: What is their agenda? Is this the truth? I’ve never met anybody who is strong enough to NOT be influenced by non-stop repetitive news instances. So, once you’re aware and consider the source, then take action by REDUCING the noise. Create parameters and set limits on how much you are exposed to it, even if it means changing your sources. Get the facts, but leave out the hyperbole or the fear. And, be open to sometimes just cutting yourself off from it for a while to truly disconnect. The world will still be there when you return. 

#2 – Push through the opinions of others. 

Other people are being influenced from the same propaganda—and love to share their opinions. There’s nothing wrong with them sharing what they think, but you need to intentionally filter how you’re being influenced by it. Just like with the propaganda layer, you’ll want to filter the input by considering the source. Is it somebody you trust? Respect? Are they in a position you would love to be in or learn from? Sometimes the people who are quickest to give an opinion, are the least you should listen to. So, detach for a minute from the conversations and readjust your filter and who you select to listen to. Just like you can change the channel or the feed, you can change the people you’re allowing to affect you.

#3 – Focus on you.

Distill all the input that is coming at you to what you know to be right and true. We need to get to a point where we know ourselves, we trust ourselves, and, yes, can take input from others, but be confident enough in who we are and certain about what we stand for. If we are always trying to be what others want us to be, then we will never be who we are meant to be.  

It is my hope that we can all rise above the noise, push through the propaganda and others’ opinions, and distill noise and information to what we know is correct and right, and be who we are meant to be so we can have the impact we’re designed to make. 

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