31: Energy in Motion and the Battle of Beliefs | #walkwithme
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer About This Episode: In this episode of “#WalkWithMe” I share my thoughts on this battle of beliefs we are all in right now, and offer three suggestions for how we can make a much-needed paradigm shift so we can increase our empathy towards one another, have greater perspective, and collectively move forward.
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
Dr. Wayne Dyer
About This Episode:
In this episode of “#WalkWithMe” I share my thoughts on this battle of beliefs we are all in right now, and offer three suggestions for how we can make a much-needed paradigm shift so we can increase our empathy towards one another, have greater perspective, and collectively move forward.
There is a lot of different emotions today, a lot of energy in motion—everything from anger, hatred and sadness, to compassion, empathy and love. It almost feels like we’re in a battle right now, and I don’t see it as a battle of politics, or black and white, or right or wrong. I think it’s a battle of beliefs. I want to talk about this battle that we’re all consciously or unconsciously facing currently and then deconstruct it to help us create change all around.
What if I told you right now that your beliefs are not your own? What if I said your beliefs are the sum or the outcome of your environment—and mainly the environment we had a long time ago in the first part of our lifetime. And, what if I told you that that environment is not one we choose and was, in fact, assigned to us by the neighborhood we were in, the school we went to, etc. It was given to us by default, not by design. And yet, so many of us hold very tightly to those beliefs, which are the internal and external struggles we battle.
I believe the stage is set for something that can create change and a massive movement forward—a much-needed shift.
In order to go from awareness to revolution, there needs to be an entire paradigm shift. A paradigm is just a collection of our beliefs; it’s the lens through which we see and react to the world.
In this episode, I reconstruct why we have these beliefs and explain some of the psychology and neurology behind how a belief system works.
It’s a clash of beliefs in today’s world that prevents us from being open to what can be. Understanding this can help us right now.
Here’s three thoughts on how we can make a paradigm shift.
#1 – Realize that our beliefs are just an outcome of our past experiences; they’re not our own.
Our beliefs are not right or wrong, or good or bad; they’re a collection of references. Once we understand that, we can let go of those beliefs and release ownership of what is not even ours.
#2 – Be more intentional with our input.
Instead of trying to change our beliefs, we should try to change our references. Breaking down barriers, being willing to listen, and opening our minds more help to create more references, which give us greater perspective.
Ask yourself: What is it that I don’t know that I need to know?
#3 – Understand that this same approach works when we’re working with other people.
Don’t be so quick to break down somebody’s belief; it’s tied to their references, just like it is with yours. Instead of attacking references, build more references. This helps creates empathy.
If we all have the same amount of references and the same amount of experiences, maybe then more shared experiences can happen, enabling us to all collectively shift our own paradigm, our own perspective, to a more holistic place.