3. Let’s Mobilize Positivity | #walkwithme
“Positivity always wins.” – Gary Vaynerchuk About This Episode: The other day on my show I was talking about how we’re battling two different viruses right now: COVID-19, and Fear. More than ever before, our society is being hit with negative shots from every direction all day long due to today’s circumstances.
Positivity always wins.
Gary Vaynerchuk
About This Episode:
In this episode of “#WalkWithMe” I share my ideas on how we can come together to fight the manifestations of negative news and flip the filter to power up positivity and become a beacon in this world.
The other day on my show I was talking about how we’re battling two different viruses right now: COVID-19, and Fear. More than ever before, our society is being hit with negative shots from every direction all day long due to today’s circumstances. I don’t want to minimize the real threat, but I do want to highlight the pervasive power of perpetual fear and negativity. It comes down to a ratio: the balance of positive pieces of information and the negative ones.
Don’t get me wrong: There’s a lot of bad news in today’s world, and I’m not advocating running way from the facts. But my belief is that there are a lot of positive things happening right now that we can focus on. So, here’s my question: What positive things are you feeling or experiencing right now?
There’s a popular saying that if you can’t go outside, go inside. Its meaning: When you can’t interact physically with others, work on yourself. Get back to your value system. Make health a priority, for example. I’m seeing a lot of positive stories about how people are taking control of their health through daily self-care. A lot are using this time for self-reflection and journaling to focus on not just on who they are but who they want to become.
In my own household, we’re being more intentional about family time than ever before and enjoying creative outlets with my kids. Current events can give you new perspective and shift priorities. If you watched my TED Talk, you heard me talk about the importance of shifting your script.
So, let’s collectively mobilize positivity and shift the script together. Let’s share the stories of today’s heroes—of those who are rolling up their sleeves and putting themselves in harm’s way so they can help others. Let’s hear more stories of those, like the 95-year-old man the other day recovering from the virus. Let’s hear new narratives about people who are leveraging technologies or starting new businesses. You’ve heard the saying: Necessity is the mother of all innovation. Let’s promote the news about businesses mobilizing new models, technologies, resources or workforce to meet today’s demand. And let’s focus on sharing positive outcomes regarding brands, businesses, environment, community and relationships. We need to elevate positivity so that we can shift our script together and flip our filter.
The world needs it especially now.
What positive story can you share?