ALive by Design


All #WalkWithMe

Episode 129 – Be a Builder not a Wrecker

You were created to be a Builder not a Wrecker. Have you ever ran into someone who was amazing at being discouraging? Depressing? Demoralizing? Depreciating? Destroying? What about someone who was amazing at encouraging? Edifying? Educating? Enlightening? Energizing? Elevating? #WALKWITHME now and I’ll share a story and some thoughts on a very important choice we all have to make…

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Episode 127 – The #1 KEY to Health & Happiness

What’s the #1 KEY to Health & Happiness..? A bigger house? A nicer car? More degrees to hang on your wall? More commas in your bank account? Turns out, it’s none of that – and there’s finally documented PROOF. #WALKWITHME now and I’ll fill you in on an 80+ year Harvard Study (one of the longest running studies in history on human life) and how what they found out changes everything!

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Episode 125 – Why Energy Management > Time Management

#WALKWITHME if you have ever been in the position where you knew what to do, but just “didn’t feel like it”, were “too tired”, “too exhausted”, or just “not motivated”… In this episode I share why today “energy management” is more important than “time management” … and a simple system to instantly amplify your energy so you can do the things you’re meant to do!

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Episode 129 – Be a Builder not a Wrecker

You were created to be a Builder not a Wrecker. Have you ever ran into someone who was amazing at being discouraging? Depressing? Demoralizing? Depreciating? Destroying? What about someone who was amazing at encouraging? Edifying? Educating? Enlightening? Energizing? Elevating? #WALKWITHME now and I’ll share a story and some thoughts on a very important choice we all have to make…

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Episode 127 – The #1 KEY to Health & Happiness

What’s the #1 KEY to Health & Happiness..? A bigger house? A nicer car? More degrees to hang on your wall? More commas in your bank account? Turns out, it’s none of that – and there’s finally documented PROOF. #WALKWITHME now and I’ll fill you in on an 80+ year Harvard Study (one of the longest running studies in history on human life) and how what they found out changes everything!

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Episode 125 – Why Energy Management > Time Management

#WALKWITHME if you have ever been in the position where you knew what to do, but just “didn’t feel like it”, were “too tired”, “too exhausted”, or just “not motivated”… In this episode I share why today “energy management” is more important than “time management” … and a simple system to instantly amplify your energy so you can do the things you’re meant to do!

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